
As the newest ORCD affiliate, ORCD Canada will be looking to conduct projects like these which have been undertaken by earlier affiliates.


Marie Stopes International – UK

Name of Project

Program Evaluation of Marie Stopes International in Afghanistan

Amount of Funding

USD 65,000

Dates of Funding


01 September 2014


31 December 2014

Purpose of grant

The objective of the is to assess the effectiveness and capacity of MSIA, MSIA’s progress against objectives and the impact of the project over time. Specifically, it will look at the achieved results from the period 2009 to the present against set objectives as outlined in project proposals and the MSIA strategic plan.


Conducting Focus Group Discussion (FGD)
Conducting in-depth interviews (IDIs)
Desk reviews
Health facility assessment
Observation of health facilities activities

Coverage area

Kabul, Herat and Balkh Provinces



Zahra Foundation

Name of Project

Assessment of service delivery by community health volunteers in Baghlan

Amount of Funding

AFA 50,000

Dates of Funding


August 2011


September 2011

Purpose of grant

To find out whether the community health volunteers contribute to improving maternal and child health of the target communities 


Randomly selecting CHWs (male and female)
Designing questionnaires for interview
Training data collectors
Data analysis and reporting

Coverage area

Baghlan –e Makazi, Polikhomri, Khenjan and Deh Salah districts